

Oct. 27 3.5 P. M. Nov. 3 9.35 A. M.

Oct. 28 4.5 P. M. Nov. 4 10.35 A. M.

Oct. 29 5.5 P. M. Nov. 5 11.20 A. M.

Oct. 30 6.20 P. M. Nov. 6 12.20 P. M.


Oct. 31 7.20 A. M. Nov. 7 12.55 P. M.

Nov. 1 8.20 A. M. Nov. 8 1.35 P. M.

Nov. 2 9.20 A. M. Nov. 9 2.55 P. M.

SOME fate, unpropitious to the West End, seems to attend the placing of statues in Boston. Some one has already pointed out the bad taste displayed in putting Edward Everett in the Public Garden with his back to Beacon Street. George Washington has turned his steed from Beacon Hill, and is riding toward Natick. Even the Good Samaritan has "passed by on the other side"; and now the Genius of America on the top of the Monument has turned her back on that high-toned part of the city, and is facing that benighted region known as the South End.

H. R. C. - A meeting of the Sophomore company of this corps was held at the Gymnasium on the evening of the 22d. Several names were added to the roll, including members of other departments of the University, and the meeting adjourned until Monday next, Oct. 29, at the same time and place. It has been ascertained that Peabody breech-loading rifles can be obtained from the State in exchange for the old muzzle-loaders, now in use by the corps, upon the proper requisitions being made. General Lister will exert every possible influence to place good arms in the hands of the corps, in the success of which he takes the liveliest interest. Drills of the Freshman company will be held every evening next week except Monday. The Sophomore drills will be announced as soon as determined upon.

THE Reading-Room Association is to be congratulated. Already enough has been subscribed to pay the current expenses of the year, and there is every prospect of paying the liberally discounted gas-bill. It has become a serious question, however, whether again to attempt lighting the hall. The gas-bills were formerly $ 300 a year, and would probably be as much now. By using droplights for the tables, and side lights for the standing files, no doubt there would be a great saving; but it is understood that no alterations in the manner of lighting will be allowed on account of the inflammable contents of the hall. And even if it is possible to secure 200 additional subscribers, as it would be necessary to do to insure paying for lighting, it is certainly a question if it would not better serve the interests of the association correspondingly to increase the reading matter. The Directors will be glad to learn the opinions of members upon this question, and also the names of additional journals desired. For convenience, a list of what are now on file and are ordered is subjoined: -

Dailies. - Boston Advertiser (2 copies), Herald, Journal, Globe, and Post; New York Tribune, Times, Herald, World, and Graphic; Springfield Republican, Worcester Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Commercial, Utica Herald, Louisville Courier Journal, and St. Louis Republican.

Semiweekly. - N. Y. Post.

Weeklies. - N. Y. Nation, Harper's, Leslie's, Observer, Punch, London Graphic, and London Times.

Monthlies. - Atlantic, Littell's, Galaxy, Scribner's, Harper's, North American Review, and European Mail.

Religious Press and College Papers ad infin.
