

SOON the Freshman will have a chance to add another shingle to his collection, if the interest in lawn tennis goes on increasing as it bids fair to do.

ARRANGEMENTS have been made with the N. Y. and B. R. R. whereby the foot-ball team and those students who desire to see the games with Columbia and Princeton are to be taken to New York and back at reduced rates. Mr. Barlow, the treasurer of the team, will furnish full particulars at No. 2 Beck.

THE Freshman Foot-Ball Seven played a game against an eleven picked from the Cambridge High School and the Resolute Club on Wednesday afternoon which resulted in a tie.

MR HEARD, '79, has been elected leader of the Glee Club, and promises to be a great success. The Club expects to give two concerts in November, one in Haverhill, and the other in Abington.

ANY person who may have printed accounts of any university race in which Harvard has taken part previous to 1876 will confer a great favor on the H. U. B. C. by sending such accounts to the Secretary at No. 5 Holyoke.


ANY one who wishes to take lessons in elocution of Professor Baxter, and has not given him his name according to the notice posted on the Bulletin Board, will find him at Appleton Chapel in the morning and afternoon.

A COURSE of scientific lectures similar in character to those given last year will begin shortly after the mid-year examinations. Tickets to these lectures may be had on application to members of the Natural History Society.

THE rifle-match, last Saturday, was prevented by the rain, but hereafter there will be a match every Saturday. We hope that all who intend to join the club will do so immediately, as the captain wishes to pick his team as soon as possible.

THE following table shows the comparative records of Dartmouth, Tufts, and Yale in recent athletic contests: -

Dartmouth. Tufts. Yale.

Running long jump, 16 ft. 3 in. 16 ft. 8 in.

Quarter-mile run, 1.02. 1.01 1/4 54 s.

Running high jump, 4 ft. 8 in. 4 ft. 8 in.

Hundred yard dash, 11 1/2 s. 10 1/2 s.
