

THE election of officers in the K. N. has been postponed till November.

THOSE wishing keys to the Club boat-house can get them from Mr. Townsend, '80, at Weld 8.

GENTLEMEN wishing to join the Athletic Association can apply to Mr. I. T. Burr, 17 Holworthy.

ON Thursday of last week all the old Crew were out, except Le Moyne, whose place was taken by Littauer.

THE new stairway in Holyoke seems to be completed at last. It is more convenient than the main stairway.


IT is to be hoped that in the printing of the new Catalogue Mr. Child will have his name spelt Francis, and not Frances.

THE Weld Crew, which was mentioned as having the best chance for the fall races, has not been seen on the river this week.

TICKETS to the foot-ball supper may be obtained as late as 5.30 this afternoon, at 2 Beck. The price of tickets is six dollars.

ON next Monday evening Dr. William Everett will read the Fourth Book of the aeneid, at Harvard Hall, beginning at half past seven.

THERE will be a foot-ball match to-morrow afternoon on the Boston grounds between Tufts and Yale. Play will begin at half past three.

SOMETHING is lacking in the early education of the Freshman who dropped a petition into the Dean's box addressed to "Proff. White."

THE petitions asking the Highland Street Railway Company to run its cars to Cambridge have been signed by 2,950 citizens, and forwarded to the proper authorities.

THE Rt. Rev. William Croswell Doane, S. T. D., Bishop of Albany, addressed the members of the S. Paul's Society at St. Peter's Church, Cambridge, Sunday evening last.

The Society takes this opportunity of thanking the Bishop, and also the Rev. Mr. Gushee, Rector of St. Peter's, by whose courtesy the necessary arrangements were made.

S. SNELLING, {Committee of Invitation.}W. T. Cox,Not long ago $ 100 or $ 150 was paid as a bonus for rooms. To-day $ 75 is given way to any one who will take a room off a man's hands.

SOON the Freshman will have a chance to add another shingle to his collection, if the interest in lawn tennis goes on increasing as it bids fair to do.

ARRANGEMENTS have been made with the N. Y. and B. R. R. whereby the foot-ball team and those students who desire to see the games with Columbia and Princeton are to be taken to New York and back at reduced rates. Mr. Barlow, the treasurer of the team, will furnish full particulars at No. 2 Beck.

THE Freshman Foot-Ball Seven played a game against an eleven picked from the Cambridge High School and the Resolute Club on Wednesday afternoon which resulted in a tie.

MR HEARD, '79, has been elected leader of the Glee Club, and promises to be a great success. The Club expects to give two concerts in November, one in Haverhill, and the other in Abington.

ANY person who may have printed accounts of any university race in which Harvard has taken part previous to 1876 will confer a great favor on the H. U. B. C. by sending such accounts to the Secretary at No. 5 Holyoke.

ANY one who wishes to take lessons in elocution of Professor Baxter, and has not given him his name according to the notice posted on the Bulletin Board, will find him at Appleton Chapel in the morning and afternoon.

A COURSE of scientific lectures similar in character to those given last year will begin shortly after the mid-year examinations. Tickets to these lectures may be had on application to members of the Natural History Society.

THE rifle-match, last Saturday, was prevented by the rain, but hereafter there will be a match every Saturday. We hope that all who intend to join the club will do so immediately, as the captain wishes to pick his team as soon as possible.

THE following table shows the comparative records of Dartmouth, Tufts, and Yale in recent athletic contests: -

Dartmouth. Tufts. Yale.

Running long jump, 16 ft. 3 in. 16 ft. 8 in.

Quarter-mile run, 1.02. 1.01 1/4 54 s.

Running high jump, 4 ft. 8 in. 4 ft. 8 in.

Hundred yard dash, 11 1/2 s. 10 1/2 s.

IN point of taste the Glee Club shingle is ahead of any other displayed in front of University.

AFTER the next number the publication of the North American Review will be transferred from the University Press to D. Appleton & Co., New York.

SCENE, recitation-room of a Latin elective.

Instructor. Mr. Loucas, can you give the derivation of "window"?

Mr. Loucas. Fenestra.

Instructor. I am afraid that is a lucus a non lucendo.

ONE of Black's photographs of the last Crew, taken in their boat, has been presented to the Club, and will be hung in the large room at the boat-house. If this can be done each year, we shall soon have the room decorated with a most interesting series of pictures.

ON Tuesday, November 6. the following amendment to the Constitution of the State, as adopted by the Legislatures of 1876-77, will be submitted to the action of the legal voters.

" ARTICLE OF AMENDMENT - So much of Article two of Chapter six of the Constitution of this Commonwealth as relates to persons holding the office of president, professor, or instructor of Harvard College is hereby annulled; and such persons shall be eligible to seats in the Senate and House of Representatives."

THE team which represents Harvard to-day is made up as follows: -

Rushers, - Cushing, '79; F. Thayer, '78; Tebbets, '80; Littauer, '78; Perry, '79; Holmes, '79; Swift, '79.

Half-tends, - Austin, '79; Blanchard, Med. S.; Harrington, Med. S.; Houston, '79; Holden, '80.

Tends, - Lombard, '78; Sheldon, '79; Bacon, 80.

THE tide will be high at the boat-house for the next two weeks as follows: -

Oct. 27 3.5 P. M. Nov. 3 9.35 A. M.

Oct. 28 4.5 P. M. Nov. 4 10.35 A. M.

Oct. 29 5.5 P. M. Nov. 5 11.20 A. M.

Oct. 30 6.20 P. M. Nov. 6 12.20 P. M.

Oct. 31 7.20 A. M. Nov. 7 12.55 P. M.

Nov. 1 8.20 A. M. Nov. 8 1.35 P. M.

Nov. 2 9.20 A. M. Nov. 9 2.55 P. M.

SOME fate, unpropitious to the West End, seems to attend the placing of statues in Boston. Some one has already pointed out the bad taste displayed in putting Edward Everett in the Public Garden with his back to Beacon Street. George Washington has turned his steed from Beacon Hill, and is riding toward Natick. Even the Good Samaritan has "passed by on the other side"; and now the Genius of America on the top of the Monument has turned her back on that high-toned part of the city, and is facing that benighted region known as the South End.

H. R. C. - A meeting of the Sophomore company of this corps was held at the Gymnasium on the evening of the 22d. Several names were added to the roll, including members of other departments of the University, and the meeting adjourned until Monday next, Oct. 29, at the same time and place. It has been ascertained that Peabody breech-loading rifles can be obtained from the State in exchange for the old muzzle-loaders, now in use by the corps, upon the proper requisitions being made. General Lister will exert every possible influence to place good arms in the hands of the corps, in the success of which he takes the liveliest interest. Drills of the Freshman company will be held every evening next week except Monday. The Sophomore drills will be announced as soon as determined upon.

THE Reading-Room Association is to be congratulated. Already enough has been subscribed to pay the current expenses of the year, and there is every prospect of paying the liberally discounted gas-bill. It has become a serious question, however, whether again to attempt lighting the hall. The gas-bills were formerly $ 300 a year, and would probably be as much now. By using droplights for the tables, and side lights for the standing files, no doubt there would be a great saving; but it is understood that no alterations in the manner of lighting will be allowed on account of the inflammable contents of the hall. And even if it is possible to secure 200 additional subscribers, as it would be necessary to do to insure paying for lighting, it is certainly a question if it would not better serve the interests of the association correspondingly to increase the reading matter. The Directors will be glad to learn the opinions of members upon this question, and also the names of additional journals desired. For convenience, a list of what are now on file and are ordered is subjoined: -

Dailies. - Boston Advertiser (2 copies), Herald, Journal, Globe, and Post; New York Tribune, Times, Herald, World, and Graphic; Springfield Republican, Worcester Gazette, Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Commercial, Utica Herald, Louisville Courier Journal, and St. Louis Republican.

Semiweekly. - N. Y. Post.

Weeklies. - N. Y. Nation, Harper's, Leslie's, Observer, Punch, London Graphic, and London Times.

Monthlies. - Atlantic, Littell's, Galaxy, Scribner's, Harper's, North American Review, and European Mail.

Religious Press and College Papers ad infin.
