

IN point of taste the Glee Club shingle is ahead of any other displayed in front of University.

AFTER the next number the publication of the North American Review will be transferred from the University Press to D. Appleton & Co., New York.

SCENE, recitation-room of a Latin elective.

Instructor. Mr. Loucas, can you give the derivation of "window"?


Mr. Loucas. Fenestra.

Instructor. I am afraid that is a lucus a non lucendo.

ONE of Black's photographs of the last Crew, taken in their boat, has been presented to the Club, and will be hung in the large room at the boat-house. If this can be done each year, we shall soon have the room decorated with a most interesting series of pictures.

ON Tuesday, November 6. the following amendment to the Constitution of the State, as adopted by the Legislatures of 1876-77, will be submitted to the action of the legal voters.

" ARTICLE OF AMENDMENT - So much of Article two of Chapter six of the Constitution of this Commonwealth as relates to persons holding the office of president, professor, or instructor of Harvard College is hereby annulled; and such persons shall be eligible to seats in the Senate and House of Representatives."

THE team which represents Harvard to-day is made up as follows: -

Rushers, - Cushing, '79; F. Thayer, '78; Tebbets, '80; Littauer, '78; Perry, '79; Holmes, '79; Swift, '79.

Half-tends, - Austin, '79; Blanchard, Med. S.; Harrington, Med. S.; Houston, '79; Holden, '80.

Tends, - Lombard, '78; Sheldon, '79; Bacon, 80.

THE tide will be high at the boat-house for the next two weeks as follows: -
