

Sarah E. Kramer

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Creative English Theses, Part II

The Crimson published interviews last week with two students writing creative theses in the English department —a poet and a


Thesis, Shmesis: Write a Book Instead

Theses are by definition creative. Every Harvard student who writes a thesis must make an original argument. So what does

No 'Enemy' of Mine

Jean-Jacques Annaud created a difficult task for himself when he decided to direct a mainstream film about the battle of

Beyond the Vanishing Point

Upon entering the Loeb Ex last weekend, an audience member's instinct would be to run in the opposite direction. For

Heather Graham's Committed a One-Woman Show

Do you like Heather Graham? I mean do you really like her? Do you know exactly how many seconds it

Just Another Pretty Vase

Fance Franck's Ceramics at the Pucker Gallery The Pucker Gallery is proud to be the only American gallery that shows

You Can't Handle The Rules

Ah, American War Movies. American War Trial Movies, to be specific. Their point, most often is to make you think,

Common Problems for an 'Uncommon' Production

Uncommon Children Uncommon Women and Others Wwritten by Wendy Wasserstein Moonchildren Written by Michael Weller Directed by Dorothy Fortenberry '02
