

Cambridge Common Menorah

After Menorah Knocked Down, Cambridge Residents Gather to Light Hanukkah Candles

Dozens of Harvard affiliates and Cantabrigians gathered in Cambridge Common Thursday night to light candles on a large silver menorah four days after an unidentified man deliberately knocked it down.

Winter Display
Flyby Blog

How To: Celebrate the Holidays in Your Dorm Room

What can a broke college student do to cheer up during this finals season?

Menorah Lighting

Menorah Lighting

Elizabeth M. Rosenblatt '17, president of Harvard Friends of Chabad, helps University President Drew G. Faust light the menorah in Tercentenary Theatre on Tuesday evening.


Students Celebrate Hanukkah On Campus

Though many students were at home last week for the first few days of Hanukkah, they will be able to find food and festivities—from fried latkes and jelly doughnuts to traditional Jewish games of dreidel and the lighting of menorahs—across campus in the final days of the Jewish holiday.

House Life

Which House Has the Best Tree?

It's hard to say for sure which house has won Christmas this year. Eliot and Pfoho wowed judges with draped Christmas lights, and Quincy proved to be a real charmer with hand-cut paper snowflakes hanging from the ceiling and a blow-up penguin near the entrance. Currier put up a modest tree, dwarfed perhaps by its massive rooted mascot. (One hesitates to say that Currier's poor Christmas decoration performance is purposefully protesting the deaths of so many of its pine-y brethren.) As part of our own effort to dole out the holiday cheer, Flyby's giving awards to the best houses in each category.


Eight Crazy Nights

Adam Sandler explained it best: "Hanukkah is the festival of lights. Instead of one day of presents, we get eight crazy nights." That about sums up the holiday. But thankfully, there’s more music than just Sandler's humorous song to keep you humming as you spin dreidels and eat latkes (or, more likely given the timing of the holiday this year, as you pray for the miracle that one can of Red Bull lasts for all eight nights of finals period).

Harvard Square

Where to Shop for the Holidays

Looking for a Christmas/Hanukkah/holiday present for your family or friends? We've found gifts for under $25 from a variety of stores around the Square.

Secret Santa

Holiday Gifts That Won’t Leave You Alone Under the Mistletoe

With seven blockmates, three siblings, four final exams, and two papers, shopping for holiday gifts can be both financially straining ...


Holiday Concerts, Shopping, and Activities to Keep You Feeling Festive

This time of year evokes two conflicting emotions—study for finals (blah) or enjoy the holiday season. For those of you ready to take advantage of all Harvard and Cambridge have to offer for the holidays, here are some events happening over the next two weeks to keep you in a jolly mood. Enjoy holiday-themed concerts, shopping, and other events right here in Cambridge (no T-ride required).

President Faust Lights the Menorah
Drew Faust

President Faust Participates in Menorah Lighting

Harvard students gathered in Harvard Yard on Wednesday evening to light eight candles for the final night of Hanukkah. President Drew G. Faust helped light the menorah after offering some words to the crowd.
