Once again, Yalies have fallen short of Harvard standards. According to an article in The Yale Daily News, the Yale Licensing Office has rejected Yale's Freshman Class Council's shirt design for The Game based on "Harvard's criteria."

The front of the shirt depicts an altered Harvard logo with the word "Cheaters," referencing the cheating scandal that rocked Harvard at the beginning of the school year. The back reads "Putting the 'Veritas' in: Lux et Veritas."

According to Yale's Freshman Class Council President William Sadock '16, quoted in the YDN article, the design was chosen because it is a "recognizable scandal at Harvard that informed Yalies would understand." Although the back of the shirt may not have to change, the council will have to consider the other design options for the front.

Some Harvardians are less than impressed with Yale's feeble attempts to poke fun at Harvard.

"It's just not that creative," said John L. Chipoco-Campoverde '16.

Ironically, Yale students tried to mock our cheating scandal by plagiarizing our logo. Looks as though Yale hasn't learned from our mistakes.