Looks like Yale University’s most talked-about secret society, the Order of Skull and Bones, isn’t so secret anymore.

Ivygate recently reported that YouTube user “Dauphinish” released a video on Dec. 4 that, according to the YouTube caption, offers a “look inside the courtyard of Yale's oldest secret society.” And Gawker reported on Monday that the new privacy settings on Facebook confused a "boneswoman," which resulted in her pictures (from a Skull and Bones party at its retreat on Deer Island) being leaked out to the interwebs. Oops.

We're not gonna lie. The pictures were PG (Party in General). But the YouTube video was most definitely PG (Pretty Goddamn scary as hell).

Filmmaker “Dauphin,” (with the scores of the Bourne and Matrix series playing in the background), goes past plastic green lawn chairs (not very glamorous, but hey, it’s a recession, people) and down into a dark chamber. Where there’s a coffin. A COFFIN. Oh, and what looks like random bones, too.

According to the Yale Daily News, a freshman left the university mid-semester in the fall of 2007 due to medical conditions—a freshman who chalked “Dauphin” on the walls of campus and videotaped his break-in to the Skull and Bones “Tomb.” He left after some PG (Pretty Grisly) events that targeted freshman residents of Branford College. You know, like death threats, hit-and-run incidents—which is pretty disturbing even for New Haven. According to the same article, the freshman who left was allegedly behind these incidents.

But maybe, if you dig conspiracy theories, he was framed (as Gawker conjectures). After all, you don't break into the Skull and Bones and get away with it: these kids totally look like they would jump you.