
Dirty Work?: Dorm Crew Enjoys Resurgence

Dorm Crew has also recruited new workers by employing student groups to clean some bathrooms, Wolfreys says. The women's rugby team and a Harvard dance troupe have already cleaned bathrooms this year to raise money.

Despite this success in recruiting first-years and student groups, Gonzalez said she still posters weekly.

"We as captains made more of a conscious effort to keep things up," she says.


Someone To Lean On

In the Houses where Dorm Crew still faces labor shortages, Feliciano-Santos says the organization has done a better job of coordinating with FMO and UNICCO so that bathrooms still get cleaned.

Matthew Stec, the former Leverett House superintendent, says when Dorm Crew does not have enough workers to clean all the bathrooms in one week, they alert the superintendent, who calls FMO.

"As long as it gets done, that's the ultimate goal," Stec says. "How it gets done is neither here nor there."

Amara L. Murray '03, captain of Dorm Crew in Eliot House, says the bathrooms in Eliot are cleaner this year because of better organization, although Dorm Crew only cleans about one-third of the entryways.

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