
Dirty Work?: Dorm Crew Enjoys Resurgence

This increase in first-year participation came after the Freshman Dean's Office allowed Dorm Crew to recruit students for the program through their April mailing to first-years. Previously, the mailing only included information about the other pre-orientation programs: the First-Year Outdoor Program, First-Year Arts Program and First-Year Urban Program.

Samantha Dennison '04 and Alyssa M. Smith '04 say they found out about Fall Cleanup through the April mailing. Both decided to do Fall Cleanup over other pre-orientation programs because they would get paid.


Like many students who participated in the program, both still work for Dorm Crew.

"It's a good job because it's flexible hours and great pay," Dennison says. "If I hadn't done Fall Cleanup, I probably wouldn't have done [Dorm Crew]. I mean, cleaning bathrooms, what's the fuss about?"

Fall Cleanup organizers also tried to make the program more fun.

"We made an effort to make freshmen feel more welcome," said Tatiana Gonzalez '01, captain of Leverett House. The program hosted social events every night, like dances and a band performance.

"I went to a baseball game, which was fun because I'd never been to a baseball game before," Dennison says. "It was ice-breaking, especially since you don't know anyone."

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