
The Proof is in the Pudding

Postulate 2: But, then, again, who says that successful acting requires an accent? Witness the case of Robert Schlesinger in last years show he played a White House intern, in this years he plays an Egyptian Queen. And what does he do with such an incredible opportunity to demonstrate his range? He steadfastly plays the same part. [Nod of approval.]

Postulate 3: And where in Pharaoh Upankhamens name did the Pudding find Brendon DeMay? Sure, hes dirty and stinky as Olive Insquallor, but hes definitely the MVP just because hes the only person who can possibly upstage BJ Avrells legs.

Conclusion: Christina wants to know if Brendon has a girlfriend.

Conclusive Conclusion: Harvard students don't nearly have enough fun. But these super troupers enjoy themselves each and every night and even when the show is just hanging on by a thread, their "loco libido" is infectious. After all, as our favorite character Olive so eloquently puts it, "Oh, it's a dirty job / But we'll all make it through it."


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