
The Proof is in the Pudding

Conclusion: Once again, the Pudding produces a female lead which does the Women's Studies department proud.


Objective: To prove that tomorrow is indeed another day.


Postulate 1: One has to wonder what induced Denise Ovanuncle, lovingly played by Ben Forkner 01 (we havent seen a neck like that since Audrey Hepburn!), to leave her cherished Georiga for the cobblestones of London, but we suspect it was a preference for Pepsi.

Postulate 2: She quickly switched to English Ale. (Had Twinings Lady Gray not hit London yet? Or was Denise not that sort of girl?)

Postulate 3: Amidst all this beverage befuddlement, this southern belle promptly lost, and found, and lost again, the worlds most priceless object, The Jewel of Denial, picked up an inspector-gadget type at the bar (color: plaid), discovered her family heritage, failed to fire her criminal maid, financed an expedition to Egypt worthy of the Natural History Museums Alumni Tours, forgot to stop at the Nile, befriended a beheaded Pharoahs wife, and used, we presume, approximately 36 cans of hairspray to hold her coiffure firmly three feet above her head.

Conclusion: Maybe she should try Coke next time?


Objective: To come to some sort of conclusion regarding the stars acting ability and to attribute praise where praise is due.

Postulate 1: Accents abound! Michael Roiff 01 admirably combines the sounds of Spanish consonants, guttural Hindi, and a smidgeon of Dr. Evils sneer to producer Colin Izers uniquely grating tongue. Seth Fentons Erin GoBragh is a sturdy Irish lass while Bryan Leach 00 manages to balance his wimpy detective, Scotlin Yard, with the best Scottish accent weve heard this side of the Atlantic.

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