
Contributing opinion writer

Peter N. Jones

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Davis Center Georgian Studies
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Get Harvard’s Russian-Language Study Abroad Out of Georgia

A Harvard-sponsored Russian-language program in Tbilisi sends a worrying message.

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Harvard, Russia, and the Affiliations That Define Us

It is possible that we are all prisoners to collective responsibility; it is possible that our institutional definitions lie beyond revision. But no matter how futile, it merits attempting to define ourselves.

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The Harvard Government Department’s African Apathy

Harvard’s undergraduate programming focused on African government should not consist entirely of an afternoon chat between 10 students. The department should, at minimum, provide an unlimited enrollment, lecture-based survey course, lest budding Harvard scholars of government graduate without any knowledge of a region that grows more crucial to the global order each day.

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Harvard Must Work to Bridge the Politics-People Divide

An insular Harvard helps no one but its direct affiliates, but a Harvard whose institutions embody humility and open-mindedness has the capacity to pacify some of our country’s deepest and most destructive fault lines.

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America’s Free-Speech ‘Reckoning’ Threatens Liberalism Abroad

To those free-speech activists rising up against undemocratic regimes in other countries, it would be advisable to find another liberal model for now. Here in the U.S., we’re still figuring out what we think of ours.

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Harvard’s Covid-Positives Deserve Better Support

Harvard must establish better systems of support for its students who test positive for Covid-19. With its twice-a-week testing program, indoor mask mandate, and social gathering restrictions, the College has implemented a cohesive strategy for mitigating and tracking the virus. Once a student tests positive, however, it appears that Harvard’s careful plan of action falls apart.
