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HPR at Institute of Politics
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Nothing Matters. Everything Matters.

Hard is still possible. Hard is meaningful. Hard things are what we did to get here.

Kris King Speaks at Disabilities Affinity Celebration
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Belonging at Harvard: Moving Beyond Acceptance

As I leave Harvard behind, I want to offer advice for creating a more inclusive future to University leaders, my fellow alumni, and current students.

Harvard Year of Crisis Graphic
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Tiya Miles: Rip or Repair? How To Respond to Harvard’s Year of Crisis.

Repairing the university means defending the spirit of our collectivity. Class of 2024, ever excellent, ever resilient: we need you to help lead the way.

Loeb House
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Sam Lessin: Pritzker’s Presidential Mulligan and How to Secure Harvard’s Future

Having run to become an Overseer and, now, having spent months engaging with alumni on the issues facing Harvard, I’ve learned much about how Harvard should proceed.

Dexter Gate Inscription
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Ken Griffin: Depart To Serve Better Thy Country and Thy Kind

our predecessors committed themselves to active participation in our civic life, serving and sacrificing for the sake of others. Carry the torch that is now being passed on to you and build a future that unites us.

Commencement 2023
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Larry Summers: An End and a Beginning For Harvard

As commencement marks the end of this difficult academic year, I hope it will mark the beginning of a time when Harvard moves past the urgent to the historically important.

The Harvard Crimson
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I Led The Crimson Through Historic Backlash. Now, Harvard’s Pro-Palestine Protesters Face Worse.

Remember the members of our class not graduating with us because they were punished this week — in flagrant disregard of decades of University precedent — for peacefully and civilly exercising their right to free speech.

Students Walk Through Harvard Yard in Spring
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From the Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab Bias Task Force: Many at Harvard Feel Ignored

We are the co-chairs of the Presidential Task Force on Combating Anti-Muslim and Anti-Arab Bias, and we write to share what we’ve found from our work so far — and where we’ll go from here.

Stoles at Jewish Affinity Graduation
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From the Antisemitism Task Force: How to Repair a Fractured Harvard

Healing our fractured community will require time and effort. Recognizing the distinct ways in which Jewish and Israeli students have been hurt is an essential part of that process.

Belfer Building at the Harvard Kennedy School
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Joan Donovan: How Corporate Money Threatens Academic Freedom

Academic freedom only holds weight if every member of the academic community is committed to safeguarding academic freedom from external pressures.

Pro-Palestine Protesters Approach Ahead of Press Conference
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Lara Jirmanus: What Would You Risk for Someone You Don’t Know?

As our tax and endowment dollars fund mass atrocities, we must use every means at our disposal to say never again.

Empty Plots of Grass After Encampment
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To the Student Protesters Barred From Graduating on Time

The Ad Board’s bad-faith actions have damaged something that is essential for our great University to fulfill its mission: trust among faculty, students, and administrators.

Syd D. Sanders ’24 Leads Comaroff Walk Out
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From a Suspended Senior: With a Raised Middle Finger and Love in My Heart

I have found the freedom I thought Harvard would offer, but not in the ways one would think.

Monday Morning Divest
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Harvard, Do Not Punish Calls for Justice

Harvard, do not punish your students for standing up for justice, peace, and equality — values that Harvard professes and has followed in the past.

1985 Commencement Protest Arrest
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The Past is Present: Four Decades of Anti-Apartheid University Struggles

Backlash against student actions calling for divestment from Israel is a testament to their importance. Let us remember that the protests against apartheid succeeded.
