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Contributing writer

Raymond Wu

Contributing writer Raymond Wu can be reached at

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Tortured John Harvard Department
Flyby Blog

The Tortured Poets Department (Harvard’s Version)

Flyby has the inside scoop on Taylor Swift’s newest album. Spoiler alert! It was inspired by Harvard.

course registration
Flyby Blog

How to: Speedrun Course Registration

Course registration is among us, and with that comes all the anxiety and excitement of new possibilities and wonders. So many new, beautiful things to learn and discuss. But let’s be real: you probably just want to get it over with. Here’s Flyby’s tips on how to speedrun course registration.

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Flyby's Hopes for 2024

As the semester winds down and you reflect on the past few months, you also have new hopes and aspirations for the upcoming semester. Read this article to find out what it is that you want.

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Flyby Blog

A Week in the Life of a Harvard Student

Do you know the triumphs and defeats, the epic highs and lows of being a Harvard student? Do you feel a crushing sense of dread every Sunday? Whether you answered yes, no, or maybe so, learn what one Flyby writer has to say about the vibes of each day of the week.

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Cabot House

Welcome to Cabot House! Don’t let the mascot fool you: there’s nothing fishy about Cabot House. In fact, the only thing Cabot takes more seriously than fish is its slogan “Semper Cor” (which translates to “Always Heart”). Dive into the water, relax, and let Cabot glub glub its way into your heart.

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Flyby Blog

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From The Archives — Flyby Tries: Sleepover in Cabot Library

Raymond and Annette are two students who are taking multiple p-set classes. As a result, they spend most of their time grueling over their homework at Cabot Library. In fact, they probably spend more time at Cabot than they do in their own dorms. One day, they had a groundbreaking idea to hold a Sleepover in Cabot™ because… why not? They were young, naive, and excited to make memories in their dorm away from dorm.

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Flyby Blog

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Flyby Blog

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dirty cabot chair

dirty cabot chair

Visitas 2022 Things I Wish

What We Wished We Had Done During Visitas

After two long years, Visitas is finally back in person! So get hyped and more importantly be prepared for a weekend of fun, exploration, and learning. Here at Flyby, we know that things can be a little stressful, but rest assured because two eager writers (who sadly never got to experience in-person Visitas) are sharing what they wish they did to maximize the experience.

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Campus Celebrities

Harvard is not only one of the most renowned schools in the world, but it also is home to many amazing people, places, and things. Whether you’re taking a nice stroll across the Yard or relaxing outside the Science Center, you are sure to run into our many campus celebrities. Make sure to read up so when an opportunity to meet some of our favorite and famous parts of Harvard strikes, you will be able to recognize it!

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Flyby Blog

Currier House

Welcome to Currier House, a House you’ll definitely want to “curry favor” with the Housing Gods for! Get it? With kitchens galore, (objectively) the best food on campus, and spacious singles to crash from your food coma, Currier House is truly unmatched. But the best part of getting housed into Currier is immediately being welcomed into its community (oh, and maybe the fountain in the dhall).

new ben and jerry's
Flyby Blog

new ben and jerry's

ice cream stand

Flyby Tries: The New Harvard Square Ben & Jerry’s

Flyby writers Raymond Wu and Annette Kim test out the new Ben & Jerry’s shop that recently opened up in the Square. Is it worth it to brave the cold Cambridge weather to eat even colder ice cream? Read to find out!
