
Contributing writer

Salma Abdelrahman

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The Kind of Community We Want to Be

We cannot have real civil discourse if the administration refuses to recognize the reality of the violations against people and communities it is perpetuating and the legitimate challenges to its disparate financial and ethical principles.


In But Not Of

DuBois gives us a model for resisting Harvard’s moral failings without begging to be included in them.


Egypt, My Beloved

In my German magnet schools, during a War on Terror, in monochrome suburbia, I grew ashamed of my culture.

Prison Vigil

In a World Without Prisons

Rather than locking people up in response to criminality, we can use restorative practices to heal what has been broken.


Leading With Love

Our challenge in these moments of crisis is to process the death, anger, and hatred this world hands to us and find a way, still, to respond with deep love.


Beyond the Bitter Railing

I checked privilege, I pushed back, I diversified rooms, and soon into the school year, my vocabulary started and ended on the pages of that metaphorical script of my freshman welcome packet.


'Where’s Home For You?'

There is no need to pick between countries, spaces or identities. The in-between world can be home, too.

Salma Abdelrahman

Breaking Silence

The same structures that oppress and subjugate my people had also managed to silence me before I allowed myself to speak.


Where Do We Go From Here?

This semester the two of us decided to quit the Undergraduate Council, the primary platform of our public service.


What About White People?

While we seek to push for an act or movement that is explicitly designed to benefit students of color by alleviating white supremacy, we are forced to reassure white Harvard that our liberation attempts are to their benefit.


The Radical Road to Reform

Radicalism and reformism have always been linked, have always relied on one another—both are necessary to advance the project of justice.


Before the Rage

But what it, and this world, fails to understand is that for people of color, mental (un)health is synonymous with racial trauma.


Whose Speech is Protected?

Our free speech is as valuable as Murray’s. Attempts to obfuscate this fact only serve to perpetuate our oppression.


Don’t Tell Us Not To Get Angry

I am a human being, and human beings get mad. To disregard that is to dehumanize me.

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Let’s Build Together

Physical space is vital, not just because it reflects our commitments, but also because the environment we inhabit and regularly interact with necessarily impacts our experiences in and feelings towards that space.
