
Crimson staff writer

Ian R. Van Wye

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An Atheist's Case for God

The problem lies in the fact that this sort of condemnation is discriminatory rather than universal. I am not opposed to fire and brimstone preaching so long as we are all destined to burn in hell.

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A Walden of Your Own

Unlike Thoreau, we don’t even have to chop our own wood.

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Sexual Assault Investigations at Harvard

The new policy smacks of a meretricious attempt to slap a band-aid on a system that has let down survivors, schools, and society time and again.

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Mind Your P’s and Q’s, Harvard

I sometimes feel as if I live in a pigsty. Maybe I’m asking too much of Harvard students, but I suspect that anyone who can flawlessly shade hundreds of Scantron bubbles on the SAT is at least capable of keeping a communal bathroom tidy.

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How Gay Pride Backfires

The challenge lies in recognizing and affirming gay history while seeking integration with the rest of society on terms that recognize the equality of all sexualities.

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Monkey See, Monkey Do

Many might argue that Washington has enough apes of its own, though at least ours refrain from throwing trash and relieving themselves in public areas.

Vidal in 2007
Harvard in the World

Gore Vidal’s Multimillion Dollar Gift to the University Challenged by Half-Sister

After Vidal changed his will in the final year of his life to bequeath the entirety of his fortune to the University, his half-sister Nina Straight is now challenging the will.
