

José I. Robles

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God Bless the King!

Fortunately, soon after her announcement, a candidate entered the race that promised to continue Senator Snowe’s legacy of moderation. With less than a week before Election Day, Angus King, the mustachioed former governor of the state, seems a lock to be the next Senator from Maine.

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Latino Studies in Arizona

The establishment of Chicano Studies programs in universities across the country was a decades-long struggle led by Mexican-American faculty and students, and it would be a shame if it were all laid to waste in Arizona by a politician with irrational fears of a Reconquista, a supposed plan by Mexico to re-conquer the lands it lost in the Mexican-American War.

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Grandstanding on the Hill

The United States rates a respectable 7.1 out of 10 on the Corruption Perceptions Index. Unlike many countries, in which government employees regularly embezzle and abuse taxpayer dollars, America has a fairly good record on government accountability, and structures to investigate any abuses.
