

Simon Thompson

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Logan Leslie: "Our Candidate"?

Are we entitled to one-ninth of the decision-making power in the city when we are only temporary residents, when many Council decisions don’t even affect us, and when we contribute less than one percent of its revenue?

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Markey: A Vote for Our Future

Congressman Markey’s progressive credentials run deep. He supports common sense gun safety reforms such as closing the gun show loophole, universal background checks of gun purchasers, and restricting the sale of high-capacity ammunition clips. He is a proponent of a balanced and responsible approach to foreign policy, one that doesn’t needlessly put the lives of American servicemen at risk. Decades ago, he became one of the first prominent supporters of marriage equality and has not wavered in his support, even when it has cost him political points.

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Equality is More Than Rhetoric

Most arguments against gay marriage simply don’t address the central issue of this debate: whether or not there is a legal reason that gay marriage ought not be recognized by the state.
