
Crimson staff writer

Alexander J. Ratner

Latest Content

For The Moment

Love It: Four Loko

Let me begin by saying that I drank a Four Loko last weekend. A whole one. If you are learning ...

For The Moment

Bad Trend Alert: Suiting Up

Question: How do toolbags maintain the delusional sense of their own coolness that makes them, by definition, toolish losers?

For The Moment

Bad Trend Alert: E-Recruiting Leather Folios

My first e-recruiting interview was an abject disaster. My interviewer walked out to get me. We shook hands. We exchanged ...



Valentine’s Day is the holiday of commitment-phobia. Forced to mime the pitched perfection of a Hallmark card, many couples feel ...


Not Your Average Couch Potato

One of my favorite stories to tell goes like this: we were all sitting around our television on the night of Super Bowl XLIII, when one of my blockmates, in an attempt to show off his sports knowledge, said, “Oh man, Kurt Warner just got hit hard!” He then continued, a bit perplexed, “Hey, but why did the ref just drop his yellow napkin?” To this faux pas I immediately responded with a deep, guttural laugh. I was (this is the important part of the story) a sports god in comparison.

Fifteen Most Interesting

15 Most Interesting Seniors: Elizabeth S. Nowak

Elizabeth S. Nowak ’10 practices what is called aggressive modesty.

For The Moment

Love it: Pep Rally

At the Girl Talk concert last year, I left feeling happy and satisfied. I spent the majority of my time ...


The last day of classes is here, and that means it’s time to get drunk and sloppy. Stumble up to

Unnamed photo

Life's a Drag

Editor’s Note: This article required gender-neutral pronouns. FM form follows the grammatical rules outlined in Kate Bornstein’s “My Gender Workbook.”

Cross-Dress to Impress

Hey guys—ever feel awkward walking into the Harvard College Women’s Center with a not-so-femme phallus? Just tuck it in! Last
