{shortcode-f7360232f8bb66eb0eddfc8764da4883622cfc4f}As you may know from all of our beautiful digital news displays around campus, Barry Keoghan is the Hasty Pudding Man of the Year, which means he’s on campus — TODAY! And we at Flyby, because we are ~public service journalism~, and the public includes Barry Keoghan, have decided to make a custom tour of Harvard’s campus just for him. Each and every one of our writers, except the ones who weren’t there when we had this conversation, weighed in with where we would take Barry on a tour. Barry, this one’s for you!

Saltburn-Inspired Spots

“Apley Court, because they have the nice marble bathtubs.”

“I’d take him to Lamont basement… Pusey Library, specifically. ”

“The Old Burial Ground… I mean…” (Many seconded this.)

Taking Advantage of His Celebrity Status

“We’d go to Pinnochio’s, because that’d be my only chance of getting on the wall there.”

“The MAC, because he’s so buff. Maybe he can teach me to work out with him.”

“I would take him to Zinneken’s because I love Zinneken’s, and I think I could get a waffle out of him.”

Two Weeks Until Valentine’s Day…

“The art museums. I really like his accent, so we could just chat, and I personally don’t think he’s that cute, so I wouldn’t really have to look at him. We could just look at the paintings.”

“Black Sheep. If he doesn’t like bagels, I don’t want him.”

“The Science Center observatory at night. #iykyk”

Humbling Him the Harvard Way

“Straight to the Science Center for p-setting.”

“Any d-hall, specifically when there’s nowhere to sit.”

“I would take him to Mather JCR just so he could see where ~the party~ happened. Maybe a ceiling tile will fall on him.”

“Honestly, I just want to bring him to a laundry room so he can experience it. I feel like it’s humbling. And he can pay for my laundry.”

“The John Harvard statue. He’s a pretty creative and weird guy. He’d figure something out. Maybe he’d touch the foot.”

“The Mather tunnels because it’s real warm down there, and there’s weird sludge coming out of the walls.” (Editor’s note: we don’t really get this one, but we let our writers speak their truths.)

“14 Plympton Street. He needs to see where we said all of these things.”

The Barry-Centric

“Berryline because Barry-line.”

“Barry’s Corner on the Allston Loop. I’d just leave him there.”

Barry, if you’re reading this, please follow and tag us on Instagram @flybyblog. We’d like more followers. Also, please hit us up for this tour. You can tell us what you think of Berryline!