When it was announced that Justin Timberlake was to receive the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the 2013 MTV Video Music Awards, rumors swirled that an 'N SYNC reunion was imminent. And it was with great excitement and anticipation that viewers watched Timberlake go back to his roots, even if it only lasted for a couple of minutes. 'N SYNC's reunion came in the wake of those of fellow fellow boy bands like the Backstreet Boys—who will play Boston on Saturday at MIXFest—and New Kids on the Block.

But would all '90s boy bands be welcomed back with open arms by the public? Here are some that should remain in obscurity for the sake of music:


Members: Omarion, Lil' Fizz, J-Boog, and Raz-B

Songs We Never Want to Hear Again: Bump, Bump, Bump,” “Girlfriend”

In the ’90s: While B2K’s R&B style was a welcome change from the pop boy bands we all know, the fact that they sang lyrics like “baby, turn around and let me see that sexy body go bump bump bump” to what must have been predominantly young, female fans was disturbing.

Now: After B2K’s disbandment, lead-singer Omarion had a semi-successful solo career, which he currently continues with a new album slated for release this year. Omarion's moniker-challenged ex-bandmates have attempted solo careers and dabbled in movies and TV, but have remained under the radar.


Members: Isaac, Taylor, and Zac Hanson

Song We Never Want to Hear Again: MMMBop”

In the ’90s: Hanson’s only hit was one of the most voracious earworms of the decade.