Henry A. Kissinger '50 sent shockwaves across campus on Wednesday by declaring his support for Adams House, where he lived as an undergraduate in Claverly Hall. Kissinger, who is known for his eight years at the helm of American foreign policy and for being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973, spoke in Sanders Theatre in conjunction with the 375th anniversary celebration.

In response to a question about his views on the interhouse conflict, Kissinger said, "I support Adams House."

Historically, Adams has received little to no support from those outside the House. Besides a tenuous alliance with Mather in the 2004 conflict against Kirkland, Adams House otherwise has worked alone; it did not form alliances in the 1999 Pfoho-Adams War. Kissinger's allegiance to the House may help to spur Adam's momentum.

Natalie T. P. Cheng '15 contributed to the reporting of this story.

This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:


An earlier version of this blog post incorrectly stated that Henry A. Kissinger '50 spoke at the Institute of Politics. In fact, he spoke in Sanders Theatre.