Equipped with panda ears, guitar and boombox, FM dougied as The White Panda all over campus, going incognito as the musical duo, and finding out what people really think of Yardfest. Here is what we discovered.

1. FM: Are you ready for Yardfest?

Eliza: I went last year, and it was a really cool idea in principle, but the weather was kind of bad … and there weren’t that many people, but it’s Prefrosh weekend this year, so I think there will be a lot more people.

Kenneth: So for the past three years I’ve been involved in the organization of the event, so this year I get to enjoy it from the senior side. It’s exciting to see everyone do such a good job.

Cerianne: [Last year] My assassin was there in Mower assasins … I spent the entire time looking over my shoulder.

2. Which two songs would you mash-up a la The White Panda?

Kenneth: Pursuit of Happiness as a throwback to last year with Kid Cudi and Afraid of Everyone by The National.

Eliza: I’m a massive country fan, it’s basically all I listen to … so probably a bit of Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood and maybe Brad Paisley.

Cerianne: Honestly you could mix Taylor Swift songs and you wouldn’t be able to tell they were mixed.

Alex: Thunder and Macarena (does Macarena).

Kyle: A Thousand Miles and Lose Yourself.

3. Tell us what you know about pandas:

Alex: They need to show them pornography, biologically they do not want to reproduce … pandas cannot get it off. Pandas have problems reproducing because they have no libido (awkward silence). It’s true!

Kyle: Little pandas sneeze loudly.