Little kids find car rides hard to handle, always asking whether the destination is near. College students have a different, longer voyage to attest to. We have to ride out an entire semester. Around this point, we start to wonder whether Christmas is upon us. Unfortunately, there's a clear answer: no. At least not yet.

If you're curious about just how far away these cherished days of vacation truly are, here's a breakdown of the semester by the numbers.

Veteran's Day: 12 days (One week, 5 days)

Thanksgiving: 25 days (3 weeks, 4 days)

Reading Period Begins: 34 days (One month, six days)

Reading Period Ends: 42 days (One month, two weeks)

Final Examinations Begin: 43 days (One month, two weeks, one day)

FREEDOM (Fall Examinations End): 51 days (One month, three weeks, two days)