Whether you want to blow off some steam after a six-hour pset session, get acquainted with the beautiful Cambridge outdoors, or are simply suffering from post-Annenberg fro-yo guilt, running around Harvard is a terrific solution. Not only are there spreads of scenic and quaint neighborhoods in our backyard, endless bike paths and sidewalks grace the entire Cambridge community. As fall approaches this is the perfect time to take advantage of cool breezes and autumn’s incredible foliage!

Even if you’re not a pavement junkie, you can always get out and run. So mix and match some friends, tunes, good shoes (or go au naturale like Harvard’s very own “Barefoot Professor,” Daniel Lieberman), and hit the street! We have come up with some especially popular routes for you to try. But you can always use Google Maps to make your own route.

Beginner Routes (1-3 miles)

Along the River: Start from the intersection of JFK street and Memorial Drive. Run along the River to Eliot Bridge and back- 1.8 miles roundtrip.

The Yard to Marathon Sports: Run north along Mass Ave. until you hit this large sporting goods store. 1.5 miles roundtrip.

Up the Ante (3-6 miles)

Fresh Pond: follow Garden Street (turns to Concord midway) all the way from the Yard to Fresh Pond. Try running around the pond for added 2.4 miles and some nature. 4.2 miles round trip.

East Cambridge River Loop: Start from Memorial Church, run east to Broadway (street right before you hit Annenberg) until Ames Street (right after Galileo Galilei Way). Take a right on Ames and right again once you hit Memorial Drive. Follow Memorial Drive back to JFK Street. 5.3 miles with limited MIT territory.

North Cambridge-MIT Loop: Follow Cambridge Street from the Science Center. Veer right (south) onto Edwin H. Land Blvd. Take another right onto Main Street (which becomes Broadway) and follow back to the Yard. 5 miles.