We recently reported that Crimson Yard UC then-candidate Matt P. Abrams '14 was on a mission to gain Crimson Yard (Pennypacker, Hurlbut, Greenough, and Wigglesworth) freshmen unrestricted access to Adams dining hall. Abrams won his campaign with this boisterous vow, but now the residents of Adams House are determined to make him break his promise.

In an e-mail sent to Abrams and his roommates, Adams House resident Collin A. Rees '12 warned Abrams that Adams residents would assemble in full House regalia and carry their trays of dining hall food to Abrams' room in Pennypacker.

"Congrats on the win, by the way. And you're welcome for the publicity," Rees wrote, explaining that Adams House residents will appear at Abams' doorstep regardless of how Abams felt about it. "It's a better story for everyone involved, we can get to know you guys, we can chat about your platform, or about football, or unicorns, or anything, and everybody wins.  Sound good?"

It turned out very few people from Adams actually showed up at Abrams' door—three by Abrams' count, six by Rees' count.

"We might as well be hostiptable to them," said Abrams, who went the extra effort to put out Fruity Tooties, Capri Sun juice drinks, and chocolate pudding for his self-invited guests.

"It ended up being a fun thing," said Rees, who serves as social chair of the House Committee and is a self-proclaimed Adamsian (Adams House fan). "I just wanted to get to know him and talk about his issues."

So far, the privilege Abrams is after is still reserved for Pfoho residents, who had to resort to war to earn the right to eat in Adams.  But it looks like Abrams is prepared for the food fight.

Photo by Elyssa A.L. Spitzer '12/The Harvard Crimson.