As we enter the new decade, Flyby would like to take some time to reflect on the past and ponder the future—and maybe even indulge in a favorite pastime: devising a list of new year resolutions.

In terms of Web developments, the past year has been a momentous one for The Crimson, with the inception of FlyByBlog on Feb. 23, 2009 (check out that first entry—it's like a serious blast from the past—right here), the redesign of, and many more. Heck, even outside of our humble abode on Plympton Street, the past decade was more momentous that most of us expected (click here to watch the past decade in all of seven minutes).

But in this day and age when change is the only thing that remains constant, what we garner is an incredible sense of continuity in our desire to serve you—our readers. The Crimson would not have been able to fulfill its goals were it not for you, beloved reader. Therefore, Flyby would like to take this moment to thank you for your support. And for your reminiscing purposes, check out the jump for some of our favorite throwback posts:

- Hillel does speed dating

- The Godfather debate in Eliot, with the slightly long “L'astrologia in Dante” comment.

- Rate your restroom

- First of the VOID series

- First of Housing Crisis series

Those just constitute a little—and we hope, tempting—taste of what Flyby was all about last year. Now, moving onto our favorite part of every new year, our resolutions:

- More user feedback. Please comment, be ridiculous—or not.

- Now that Flyby has a new Board on The Crimson (and a comp process, cough cough), we would like you to write for us. Stay tuned for more details.

- More tips. We assure you that is a working address.

- More user-generated content from viewers like you!

Happy New Year, everyone.