If you’re still looking for a costume idea, FlyBy thinks you should be a burrito. Or a taco. Or any other item available at Chipotle’s—because then your outfit will get you free food! From 6-10 p.m. tonight, you can get a complimentary meal just by showing up at Chipotle disguised as something from their menu.

Some of you will probably come up with really cool ideas for this (maybe you'll even figure out how to be a food item and still look hot…slutty salad, perhaps?), but for those of you who want to get a free burrito by expending as little effort as possible, FlyBy has put together a special guide. Check it out after the jump.


Difficulty Level: Ridiculously Easy

Wrap your torso in aluminum foil.


Difficulty Level: Easy

Shred green construction paper and tape it to your shirt as lettuce. Carry a fork.


Difficulty Level: Easy

See above, but also add shredded white paper for cheese. Wear a bowl upside down on your head. Optional: draw black beans on your face with a washable marker.


Difficulty Level: Easy

Cut triangles from yellow construction paper and tape them to your shirt. Carry a plastic cup labeled ”guacamole.”