
Artist Spotlight: Helen Mirren

THC: Plus, you were surrounded by so many queens.

HM:  Yes! Absolutely, absolutely! My gorgeous ladies in waiting. Yeah, so that was pretty spectacular. Also, it was such a beautiful day…that was really fabulous!

THC: As a lover of puddings, what is the first pudding you intend to make in your new pot?


HM: Oh, well actually it looks to me like a little lentil pot—some sort of lentil pot thing. There’s also actually a very good Christmas pudding…. It’s the perfect size for a little Christmas pudding, so maybe I’ll make it for next year.

THC: I’m sure you’ve already been amply harassed, but what went through your head when you saw the word “twerking” on the poster for charades?

HM: I thought, “Oh my God, how am I going to get out of this one?” I tried desperately to get out of it with the motion “T” and then acting out working.… But they of course refused…. Of course, now my friends are all emailing me saying, “Oh, we are seeing pictures of you twerking.” You know, today things get immediately onto the internet. And I knew it, I knew the minute I saw that word, I thought, “Oh God, here we go.”

THC: I have to admit, when I saw it, I instantly tweeted about it.

HM: Oh, did you? Oh God, yes, absolutely. There is nowhere to run, nowhere to hide these days.

