
An Interview with Atlas Genius

The Australian band performed at the House of Blues Boston on Tuesday

THC: Any pre-show rituals?

KJ: I spend five minutes or so alone so I can get in the right space for the show. Just before we hit the stage we get together as a band to get that energy and that camaraderie thing happening.

THC: How would you say your Australian roots have influenced your music?


KJ: Typically I think Australians are a bit more reserved than maybe Americans. I think that comes across in the music. I think understated is the word I’m looking for [in our production].

THC: Do you notice any big differences between the Australian music scene and the scene back here in the states?

KJ: I think because we’re such a small country and it’s been hard for bands for a long time to get out and make a mark elsewhere, Australian bands are used to having to work hard to prove themselves. The other side of that I think is Australian bands tend to get more pessimistic because of that.

THC: Were you at all surprised about your success here in the States?

KJ: Yes, because we were at the point of thinking that it was very unlikely to stand out and be noticed in the music industry. Especially now, when every second person has some kind of recording system on their laptop and there is a huge cloud of music out there. The fact that “Trojans” was noticed was definitely a big surprise.


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