
Shot after Shot: Harvard's Drinking Problem

The College's troubled relationship with alcohol

“They go all out in so many areas of their lives, and to some degree that intense approach to academics or to athletics translates to social life as well,” Travia says.


Even for students who choose not to drink, alcohol can be a defining factor in social situations at Harvard.

In painting the picture of alcohol consumption on campus, Harvard administrators often tout the below-average percentage of students who drink regularly.

“The trend nationally is for more incoming freshmen arriving on campus not having any experiences with alcohol, and at Harvard we are also seeing more students continuing alcohol abstinence once they’re on campus,” Travia says.


But even committed non-drinkers can find themselves regularly spending their weekends with their intoxicated peers.

Jenny, a sophomore, says she came to college having decided not to drink because of personal and religious preferences. She recalls some of the awkwardness of her decision when she first got to college, but notes that she has become increasingly comfortable over the last two years, even though most of her friends choose to drink.

“Freshman year it was a little easier said than done,” Jenny says.

But now, dealing with friends who drink has become a part of her life.

On an average weekend night, Jenny will gather with her friends in one of their common rooms. She says that most of her friends use this time to pre-game and strategize the night via text messages. Options range from birthday parties in dorm rooms to final clubs.

When her friends arrive at the party, Jenny goes with them to the bar, occasionally getting a drink of water to avoid questions.

While she says that she is typically the friend who finds lost phones or worries more about those who are with her, she says she does not feel thrust into the role of the sober friend.

“[Not drinking] maybe makes you more worried about your friends,” Jenny says. “It’s nice to know you can keep an eye out.”


Beyond shaping many undergraduates’ weekend nights, alcohol plays an often-unstated role in discussions of social life.

