
Setting the Scottish Play Outdoors

Hyperion Shakespeare Company stages Macbeth at Hilles

The space itself, however, takes care of most of the sound problems. The reverberations provided by the glass and concrete fixtures in the courtyard tend to intensify the sound within and block out the exterior world.

If the Macbeth jinx is to manifest itself upon this production, it will likely originate from mother nature.

Because performances will be cancelled on rainy evenings to prevent damage to props and electrical equipment, the cast and crew have been obsessively checking the Internet for weather updates and consulting the Framer’s Almanac for long-range forecasts.

There is something to be said, however, for the effects of nature. “We did have rain break right when Banquo was being murdered in rehearsal a couple of days ago,” said stage manager Kate D. Nesin ’03.

“We wish we could cue that because there are lines in the play about it. It was perfect.”




Written by William Shakespeare

Directed by Daniel A. Cozzens ’03

Produced by Deena Chalabi ’03

Hyperion Shakespeare Company

Hilles Library Courtyard

April 25-May 4

