
Sit-In Draws Counter-Protest, But No Talks

Yale’s Students Against Sweatshops held a solidarity rally in front of the president’s office yesterday afternoon.

Nearly 50 students turned out for a candlelight vigil at 9 p.m. last night, featuring spoken word poetry and a fire-eater.

Despite the administration’s repeated refusal to negotiate and the slight erosion of student support today, PSLM members say they vow to remain in the building until their demands are granted.


Students camping out inside the building remained hopeful yesterday, and said they had anticipated the current situation and are prepared to wait.

After a fitful night spent in sleeping bags spread out on antique Oriental rugs, the protesters rose early yesterday morning to greet University employees on their way to work and continue negotiations with HUPD officials as to what rooms in the building they could occupy.

“The only negotiations we’ve been granted are absurd questions about space,” PSLM member Amy C. Offner ’01 said. “They think this is an excellent way to distract us from the living wage issue.”

When Provost Harvey V. Fineberg ’67 attempted to walk into his Mass. Hall office in the mid-morning, he was blocked by PSLM members who requested that he spend three minutes reading over their demands.

Fineberg declined to read the PSLM literature and instead promptly left the office, said a protester inside the building.

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