
Sit-In Draws Counter-Protest, But No Talks

“We don’t disagree with the living wage, we just think some of the tactics they’re using are wrong,” said Jim E. Kruzer ’04.

“It’s hurting their cause,” P. Joseph Konzelmann ’04 agreed yesterday. Konzelmann hung a sign reading “Jail PSLM” from his third floor Mass. Hall window. “They’re disrupting the peace. It’s like going to a concert and trying to do work.”


From inside the building, Maddy S. Elfenbein ’04, a member of PSLM, responded to the counter-protestors.

“We appreciate the sacrifice of the students inside Mass. Hall, whether willing or not,” Elfenbein said through the open Mass. Hall window. “But this issue is too important to be subsumed under the desire of a few students to get their sleep.”

PSLM member Benjamin L. McKean ’02 said he, too, was unconcerned with the counter-protest.

“I really don’t think it’s even important enough to comment on,” he said from inside the building last night.

Despite the counter-protest, PSLM has garnered visible support over the past two days.

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