
PSLM Members Storm Mass. Hall

As students circled the small green outside Mass. Hall, they attracted the attention of a group of alums from the Class of 1971 walking through the Yard.

The alums compared yesterday's action to the legendary sit-in of 1969, saying that they were excited and rather surprised to see continuing evidence of student activism.

Despite the ostensible similarities, the climate on campus was radically different 30 years ago, said Allyn Field '71.


"In our time, it was total chaos. There were demonstrations like this all the time," he said. "It was a life-changing experience."

As he talked, Field watched the students circling outside Mass Hall.

"I remember tear gas and windows being smashed. It was a war zone," he said. "It's all really hard to picture now."

About six members of Harvard's Facilities Maintenance Organization joined the students marching outside the building.

They said they were hopeful about the action's success.

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