
PSLM Members Storm Mass. Hall

While the protesters inside the building alternated between chanting and quietly playing cards, about 30 students circled Mass. Hall under the leadership of PSLM member Amy C. Offner '01.

The action outside the building began after Offner, speaking into a megaphone, rallied a crowd of onlookers that included members of national media like National Public Radio (NPR) and The New York Times.


"A sit-in has begun in Mass. Hall for a living wage for all Harvard workers," Offner announced.

Offner said both the students inside and those outside the administrative building would not budge until their demands were granted.

"We're committed to remaining here indefinitely," she said. "We're expecting stiff resistance from the University."

As the afternoon progressed, the students outside the administrative building seemed to be settling down for the duration.

Two students stood outside Mass Hall, holding a large banner reading, "Workers Can't Eat Prestige: Rally for a Living Wage," made from three blue sheets strong across wooden poles.

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