
Comeback Victory Highlights M. Volleyball Sweep

The majority of the final game was closely contested, and both teams were tied at 25-25 after 50 points.

Kills by Denham and Stevenson coupled with three Knight errors quickly brought the third game to an end with the Crimson on top, 30-26.


Harvard 3, East Stroudsburg 2

In what may come to be the turning point of the Crimson's season, Harvard mounted an amazing comeback to defeat the Warriors 3-2 on Saturday afternoon.

"We really kept up our block throughout the match," Wilson said. "With [sophomore middle blocker Alex] Kowell and Cardet up front, we were able to keep two guys in front of the hitter all night."

The Crimson dropped the first two games of the match and appeared headed for this season's second defeat at the hands of East Stroudsburg.

Harvard trailed for most of the third game as well, including deficits of 20-15 and 27-24. The Crimson managed to fight back and extend the match to 32 points, but the Warriors had game point at 31-30.

Cardet then proceeded to make the biggest play of his season, and perhaps the team's season, with East Stroudsburg at game point.

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