
Comeback Victory Highlights M. Volleyball Sweep

Harvard easily swept past hapless Queens in a 3-0 rout yesterday afternoon at the MAC, moving into a tie with Vassar in the divisional standings.

"Queens has one or two good players, but overall they are siginifcantly weaker than the rest of the division," said Harvard Coach Tom Wilson.

Led by senior outside hitter Brian Stevenson and junior co-captain Justin Denham, the Crimson jumped out to an 8-3 lead in the first game.


With Cardet back in the middle, Queens was unable to penetrate the suddenly formidable Crimson block, and the Knights wilted under the weight of multiple errors.

Harvard never trailed in the game and easliy won 30-25.

The Knights jumped to the early 17-9 lead in the second game behind the play of outside hitter Maxime Auguste, who had four kills during the run.

But Queens failed to consitently provide an answer for the dominant play of Stevenson and Cardet. Cardet had three kills and two blocks, and Stevenson recorded six kills to catalyze a 21-10 Harvard run.

The Crimson proceeded to close out the game 30-27.

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