
Open All Night: College Ponders Extending Hours

But council leaders say that the fight for 24-hour UKA is not over, and Lewis agrees that the council, working with individual House Committees, will have to try to convince Masters one at a time.

Todd A. Plants '01, chair of the council's Student Affairs Committee, says that council members will be meeting with one Master who has expressed willingness to listen to the 24-hour argument.


"I'm sure it's not something that's going to go away," Illingworth says.

Late Night at the MAC

While administrators may not jumping at the chance to let students swipe into their friends' Houses at all hours of the night, they have been receptive to the idea of extending the hours that common spaces are open.

Lewis emphasized the need for MAC improvements in his five-year Report on the College, released in January. And Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) Jeremy R. Knowles' Report to the Faculty echoed this sentiment.

One likely result of an ongoing study of FAS athletic space, administrators say, is eventual large-scale renovations to the MAC, which may include the addition of non-athletic student space as well as more exercise equipment.

Lewis threw out the possibility that this revamped MAC could be open to students 24 hours a day, an idea about which others have been enthusiastic.

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