
Open All Night: College Ponders Extending Hours

Houses of the Rising Sun

The council has long fought for the right of students to swipe into any upperclass House--and last year they convinced Masters to try out universal access from 8 a.m. until 1 a.m., for a trial period of one year.

At last month's Committee on House Life (CHL) meeting, Masters agreed to continue UKA indefinitely.


But, citing concerns about safety and possible damage to House property late at night, Masters were largely unfriendly toward the council's request to extend the keycard access to the hours between 1 a.m. and 8 a.m.

Lewis, previously sympathetic to the students' cause, says he no longer knows what to think about the issue.

"The Masters who had their reservations actually did a pretty good job of explaining them," Lewis says. "I would say I'm back in the middle again."

Lewis adds that it's easier to argue for "24-hour" universal access than it is to make the case for access between the hours of 1 a.m. and 8 a.m.

Quincy House Master Michael A. Shinagel--the only Master who currently permits all-night access to his House to all students--announced last week that he will step down from his post in June.

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