
Law School Professors Rest After Election Fury

And according to her HLS colleagues, she has handled the spotlight well.

"[Gerken] was extremely intelligent and measured," says HLS Professor Einer R. Elhauge '83, who represented the Florida State Legislature in the election controversy.


"She is so articulate and intelligent and I think she just blew the national media away," Armini says.

Gerken's bout with fame did not come without a few strange occurrences. She says she got e-mails from television viewers commenting on her haircut or her make-up.

"It made me realize that in the long term the spotlight is not where I want to be," she says. "I have this New England sense of privacy."

In the Spotlight

Though Gerken kept her distance from the political polarization of the election controversy, her fellow HLS professors were quickly snapped up by both sides.

Professors Lawrence H. Tribe '62 and Alan M. Dershowitz figured prominently in the Democratic camp and Professors Elhauge and Charles A. Fried argued on the Republican side.

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