
Law School Professors Rest After Election Fury

And though Gerken's time has been in increasing demand, she has remained loyal to her students.

The list of her media appearances following the presidential election covers two typed pages and includes NBC News, CNN News, The Charlie Rose Show, Lehrer Newshour, Hardball with Chris Matthews and almost every prominent newspaper in the country.


"It was the busiest month of my life," Gerken says. "[The calls from the media] just feed on themselves. Once you get a couple of calls, they just come in exponentially."

While professors from the Law School served on the front lines of both the Republican and Democratic camps, Gerken says she tried to be a neutral and objective commentator.

"It was great to have Heather Gerken who could speak objectively. A lot of media want that," says HLS communications director Michael A. Armini.

"Whenever I went on a show, I told them I wouldn't represent the Republicans or the Democrats," Gerken says. "I didn't want to be spinning for either side."

In her television appearances and newspaper quotations, Gerken defended the constitutional system and the integrity of the U.S. and Florida Supreme Court justices.

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