
A Tale of Two Brothers

After putting in years of work at square establishments, Lawrence and Brendan Hopkins open a place of their own

Even the name of the restaurant--Daedalus--is a personal touch. The reference to the main character in James Joyce's Ulysses speaks to the brothers' Irish heritage.

And the Greek mythological tale of Daedalus and his son Icarus appealed to Hopkins because it lends itself to a creative, winged restaurant logo.

"We liked all the tie-ins," Hopkins says. "The name really seemed to work for us."


Hopkins says he hopes that his restaurant--a small, family-owned business--might help turn the tide against national corporations replacing long-standing Square establishments.

Brendan Hopkins says that while working in the Square off-and-on for the past six years, he has seen the neighborhood change.

"It's been slowly losing its identity," he says.

Lawrence Hopkins says he agrees.

"With us coming in to the Square, we're trying to give a little bit of its identity back," Hopkins says. "We'll work 24 hours a day, seven days a week to make this place succeed."

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