
City May Pursue Arson Charges Against Lampoon President

"I...told [Hely] that these kinds of disturbances were unacceptable and was given the assurance that there would be no further problems," Associate Dean of the College David P. Illingworth wrote in an e-mail message last week.

HUPD Chief Francis D. "Bud" Riley said he has been in contact this week with Thomas W. Beale '71, a member of the Lampoon's graduate board to discuss the "on-going problems."

"He has indicated that the Lampoon will be willing to do whatever it takes to make this right," Riley said.


Beale said last night that he has "no idea at this point" whether there will be consequences for the Lampoon and its executives. "We're still trying to figure out what's going on."

According to a University official, the Lampoon could face consequences if the situation is not resolved soon.

"It could get extremely complicated," the source said.

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