
City May Pursue Arson Charges Against Lampoon President

"The fire department is just doing their job," he added.

But fire officials say the Lampoon is lucky a firefighter wasn't hurt during their response--if so, the leaders of the organization could have faced felony charges--with a minimum of ten years in jail.


If criminal charges are filed against Hely, he and other Lampoon executives might also face action by Harvard College's administrative board.

In a case where a student faces criminal charges but does not seem to pose a threat to other students, the College would normally wait until the courts have resolved the issue before pursuing any action, Dean of the College Harry R. Lewis '68 wrote in an e-mail yesterday.

"But a lot depends on the particular circumstances," Lewis wrote.

Lewis declined to comment on the Lampoon's specific case.

Cambridge's involvement comes just a week after Adams House residents complained to Harvard administrators about loud parties at the castle lasting into the wee hours of the morning.

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