
Walker Talks the Talk

PW: Racer X is coming up. That was a good role for me...I have a background in race car driving so it's natural. I really like the script's got a sort of Donnie Brasco twist to it.

THC: You've been described as the next Brad Pitt. Claire Danes has admitted that you are the only actor who has made her sweat. How has Hollywood been treating you?


PW: Oh, I have been incredibly lucky. I've gotten to work with some really great actors. Jeff Daniels, workwise and Jon Voight just as a person. Yeah, it's hard to get in and maybe harder to stay in. I use to freak out but now I realize it doesn't really matter...even Brad Pitt has tanked before. With Hollywood, it's really a roll of the die. And I'm not really into the whole Hollywood scene. I was raised in a conservative home, I'm Mormon. For me, making the movies is about making friendships. I mean I've become friends with some great guys...I'm still close to the guy who plays Tweeter [from Varsity Blues]. I've just been incredibly lucky.

Paul's Illustrious Filmography

1. The Skulls (2000)

2. Brokedown Palace (1999)

3. She's All That (1999)

4. Varsity Blues (1999)

5. Pleasantville (1998)

6. Meet the Deedles (1998)

7. Tammy and the T-Rex (1994)

8. Programmed to Kill (1987)

9. Monster in the Closet (1986)

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