
Walker Talks the Talk

Hollywood has been making the same teen movies over and over, and in his last three films, She's All That, Varsity Blues and most recently The Skulls, actor Paul Walker has essentially played the smug, arrogant, big man on campus. But make no mistake: in these films, laid-back and very Californian Paul Walker is not playing himself.

The Harvard Crimson: The Skulls is your biggest role yet. How did it happen?

Paul Walker: Basically, I was offered the part and it just took off from there. I didn't really have much time to research the role. [Neal] Moritz (producer) and I had a "general meeting" about three months before I actually got the role to talk about potential projects. I went to Figi, came back and they told me I got it. Of course I asked who else I was working with because I don't like working with pricks but I knew that Josh [co-star Jackson] had a pretty good rep. Josh called and he was exactly what I heard, a good guy. I'm 26 and I'm so sick of "doing" high school so this was a nice change. I mean I totally slept-walk in my other roles and [The Skulls] was like acting school for me.


THC: There are reports that you are in talks with the Star Wars people..

PW: Not really talks...there's not much to tell. I knew and they knew I was too old to be Anakin. Man, I so wanted to work with Natalie Portman. She's hot! Whoops... maybe I shouldn't have said girlfriend might get mad.

THC: Hahahaha...and since Natalie goes to Harvard, she might see this. Anyway, back to The Skulls, what was working on the movie like for you?

PW: I know this is what everyone says but it's really the truth... I had a good time. The people were good, I liked everyone. I did get sick of Toronto-I missed the, how do I describe it...the dry heat in California. Working on this movie was different from working on my other movies. Varsity Blues was like how it was in high school but this one was tougher.

THC: If you weren't acting, what would you be doing?

PW: It's funny how my answer really depends on when you ask...I've at least figured out that there is more to life than surfing. I dunno know... roofing, painting? I've always liked photography. I love traveling so maybe missionary work. I do Habitat for Humanity so maybe something like that. Besides, I've been in this business since I was two years old; I was a baby model. My mom was a model-she's hot-and she was my "tie-in." Acting was always a hobby. In high school, I was more interested in chasing after chicks and playing sports. Then I had to find some way to make money and I got a part on "Young and the Restless" and I made big money. I even got free Taco Bell. Then it all snowballed from there. I pretended to be a student for awhile and I eventually found myself $30,000 in debt. Then, the casting director of "Touched By an Angel" found me again and here I am.

THC: What's coming up for you?

PW: Racer X is coming up. That was a good role for me...I have a background in race car driving so it's natural. I really like the script's got a sort of Donnie Brasco twist to it.

THC: You've been described as the next Brad Pitt. Claire Danes has admitted that you are the only actor who has made her sweat. How has Hollywood been treating you?

PW: Oh, I have been incredibly lucky. I've gotten to work with some really great actors. Jeff Daniels, workwise and Jon Voight just as a person. Yeah, it's hard to get in and maybe harder to stay in. I use to freak out but now I realize it doesn't really matter...even Brad Pitt has tanked before. With Hollywood, it's really a roll of the die. And I'm not really into the whole Hollywood scene. I was raised in a conservative home, I'm Mormon. For me, making the movies is about making friendships. I mean I've become friends with some great guys...I'm still close to the guy who plays Tweeter [from Varsity Blues]. I've just been incredibly lucky.

Paul's Illustrious Filmography

1. The Skulls (2000)

2. Brokedown Palace (1999)

3. She's All That (1999)

4. Varsity Blues (1999)

5. Pleasantville (1998)

6. Meet the Deedles (1998)

7. Tammy and the T-Rex (1994)

8. Programmed to Kill (1987)

9. Monster in the Closet (1986)

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