
Harvard's Hot Hand Sizzles

Upon returning from the Land Down Under, Letteri once again took up handball, the game from which he had taken a leave of absence for the past four years.

As things turned out, it was like he had never been away from the game at all.

Letteri was helped, in part, by his four years spent with the volleyball team, which ensured that he did not lose his work ethic or fall out of shape.


Nonetheless, no one could have expected how immediately Letteri returned to top form.

This past summer, Letteri competed against both amateur and professional players in a national handball tournament and turned in an amazing second-place performance that Letteri said surprised even himself.

From this point on, Letteri said he thinks he has nowhere to go but up.

Aware that he is still young and constantly improving, Letteri remains confident that he can compete with the likes of anyone.

"I know that when I am on my game, I can beat anyone in the world,"

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