
Harvard's Hot Hand Sizzles

Back in the Swing of the Things

Letteri entered Harvard in the fall of 1995. During his first four years, he seemed to find his niche easily, involving himself in a number of activities. Among other things, he became a brother in the Sigma Chi fraternity, and also spent four years on the varsity volleyball team.


As his commencement date approached, however, Letteri grew more and more uncomfortable with the idea of leaving the cozy confines of Harvard.

"I felt like I wasn't ready to leave school," Letteri said. "I wasn't ready to go out into the world."

Letteri thus came to the decision to postpone his graduation one year, and last spring, he took an eight-month trip to Australia.

The time away from home changed his outlook on life and helped him rearrange his priorities

"Looking back on it, it was the best decision I ever made," Letteri said. "It made me a stronger person. I am more comfortable with who I am and what my values are. I focused more on doing things that made me happy, which, in a way, got me back to handball."

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